Hans Eduard Bergengrün

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Rear Admiral Bergengrün (799 UC (1 NIC / 490 IC / 3599 CE))
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Rank: Admiral
Occupation: Reuenthal fleet chief of staff
Status: Deceased (suicide)
Died: 800 UC (2 NIC / 491 IC / 3600 CE)
Played by: Tanaka Ryōichi

Hans Eduard Bergengrün (Japanese: ハンス・エドアルド・ベルゲングリューン) was an Imperial military officer who served under Rear Admiral Siegfried Kircheis during the Castrop Rebellion.

Initially distrustful of Kircheis, Bergengrün eventually accepted the young admiral after witnessing him end the Castrop Rebellion with only a single casualty. In order to be worthy of Kircheis he overcame his alcohol addiction.

After the death of Kircheis, Bergengrün served as a rear admiral under Oskar von Reuenthal, becoming his Chief of Staff. He had an intense disdain for Paul von Oberstein, holding him responsible for Kircheis' death. He remained loyal to Reuenthal during his rebellion. Distraught over the loss of Reuenthal, the second time he lost a great superior, Admiral Bergengrün committed suicide.

He was known to be friends with fellow officer Volker Axel von Bülow.




Bergengrün is also the surname of a famous German-Baltic writer, Werner Bergengrün.


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