System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.

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file-deleted-duplicate (Talk)A file identical to this file ([[$1]]) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-exists-duplicate (Talk)This file is a duplicate of the following {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}:
file-exists-sharedrepo (Talk)The file name chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
file-info (Talk)(file size: $1, MIME type: $2)
file-info-gif-frames (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|frame|frames}}
file-info-gif-looped (Talk)looped
file-info-size (Talk)($1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4)
file-nohires (Talk)<small>No higher resolution available.</small>
file-thumbnail-no (Talk)The filename begins with '''<tt>$1</tt>'''. It seems to be an image of reduced size ''(thumbnail)''. If you have this image in full resolution upload this one, otherwise change the file name please.
fileappenderror (Talk)Could not append "$1" to "$2".
fileappenderrorread (Talk)Could not read "$1" during append.
filecopyerror (Talk)Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
filedelete (Talk)Delete $1
filedelete-archive-read-only (Talk)The archive directory "$1" is not writable by the webserver.
filedelete-comment (Talk)Reason:
filedelete-current-unregistered (Talk)The specified file "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-edit-reasonlist (Talk)Edit delete reasons
filedelete-intro (Talk)You are about to delete the file '''[[Media:$1|$1]]''' along with all of its history.
filedelete-intro-old (Talk)You are deleting the version of '''[[Media:$1|$1]]''' as of [$4 $3, $2].
filedelete-legend (Talk)Delete file
filedelete-maintenance (Talk)Deletion and restoration of files temporarily disabled during maintenance.
filedelete-missing (Talk)The file "$1" cannot be deleted, because it does not exist.
filedelete-nofile (Talk)'''$1''' does not exist.
filedelete-nofile-old (Talk)There is no archived version of '''$1''' with the specified attributes.
filedelete-old-unregistered (Talk)The specified file revision "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-otherreason (Talk)Other/additional reason:
filedelete-reason-dropdown (Talk)*Common delete reasons ** Copyright violation ** Duplicated file
filedelete-reason-otherlist (Talk)Other reason
filedelete-submit (Talk)Delete
filedelete-success (Talk)'''$1''' has been deleted.
filedelete-success-old (Talk)The version of '''[[Media:$1|$1]]''' as of $3, $2 has been deleted.
filedeleteerror (Talk)Could not delete file "$1".
filedeleteerror-long (Talk)Errors were encountered while deleting the file: $1
filedeleteerror-short (Talk)Error deleting file: $1
filedesc (Talk)Summary
fileduplicatesearch (Talk)Search for duplicate files
fileduplicatesearch-filename (Talk)Filename:
fileduplicatesearch-info (Talk)$1 × $2 pixel<br />File size: $3<br />MIME type: $4
fileduplicatesearch-legend (Talk)Search for a duplicate
fileduplicatesearch-result-1 (Talk)The file "$1" has no identical duplication.
fileduplicatesearch-result-n (Talk)The file "$1" has {{PLURAL:$2|1 identical duplication|$2 identical duplications}}.
fileduplicatesearch-submit (Talk)Search
fileduplicatesearch-summary (Talk)Search for duplicate files based on hash values. Enter the filename without the "{{ns:file}}:" prefix.
fileexists (Talk)A file with this name exists already, please check '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>''' if you are not sure if you want to change it. [[$1|thumb]]
fileexists-extension (Talk)A file with a similar name exists: [[$2|thumb]] * Name of the uploading file: '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>''' * Name of the existing file: '''<tt>[[:$2]]</tt>''' Please choose a different name.
fileexists-forbidden (Talk)A file with this name already exists, and cannot be overwritten. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name. [[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]
fileexists-shared-forbidden (Talk)A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name. [[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]
fileexists-thumbnail-yes (Talk)The file seems to be an image of reduced size ''(thumbnail)''. [[$1|thumb]] Please check the file '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>'''. If the checked file is the same image of original size it is not necessary to upload an extra thumbnail.
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