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recentchanges-url (Talk)Special:RecentChanges
recentchangesall (Talk)all
recentchangescount (Talk)Number of edits to show by default:
recentchangesdays (Talk)Days to show in recent changes:
recentchangesdays-max (Talk)Maximum $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}
recentchangeslinked (Talk)Related changes
recentchangeslinked-feed (Talk)Related changes
recentchangeslinked-noresult (Talk)No changes on linked pages during the given period.
recentchangeslinked-page (Talk)Page name:
recentchangeslinked-summary (Talk)This is a list of changes made recently to pages linked from a specified page (or to members of a specified category). Pages on [[Special:Watchlist|your watchlist]] are '''bold'''.
recentchangeslinked-title (Talk)Changes related to "$1"
recentchangeslinked-to (Talk)Show changes to pages linked to the given page instead
recentchangeslinked-toolbox (Talk)Related changes
recentchangestext (Talk)Track the most recent changes to the wiki on this page.
recreate (Talk)Recreate
recreate-moveddeleted-warn (Talk)'''Warning: You are recreating a page that was previously deleted.''' You should consider whether it is appropriate to continue editing this page. The deletion and move log for this page are provided here for convenience:
redirectedfrom (Talk)(Redirected from $1)
redirectpagesub (Talk)Redirect page
redirectstofile (Talk)The following {{PLURAL:$1|file redirects|$1 files redirect}} to this file:
remembermypassword (Talk)Remember my login on this computer
Remember my log-in on this computer
removedwatch (Talk)Removed from watchlist
removedwatchtext (Talk)The page "[[:$1]]" has been removed from [[Special:Watchlist|your watchlist]].
renameuser (Talk)Rename user
renameuser-desc (Talk)Adds a [[Special:Renameuser|special page]] to rename a user (need ''renameuser'' right)
renameuser-error-request (Talk)There was a problem with receiving the request. Please go back and try again.
renameuser-error-same-user (Talk)You cannot rename a user to the same thing as before.
renameuser-log (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|1 edit|$1 edits}}. Reason: $2
renameuser-move-log (Talk)Automatically moved page while renaming the user "[[User:$1|$1]]" to "[[User:$2|$2]]"
renameuser-page-exists (Talk)The page $1 already exists and cannot be automatically overwritten.
renameuser-page-moved (Talk)The page $1 has been moved to $2.
renameuser-page-unmoved (Talk)The page $1 could not be moved to $2.
renameuser-renamed-notice (Talk)This user has been renamed. The rename log is provided below for reference.
renameuser-summary (Talk) 
renameuserconfirm (Talk)Yes, rename the user
renameusererrordoesnotexist (Talk)The user "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" does not exist.
renameusererrorexists (Talk)The user "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" already exists.
renameusererrorinvalid (Talk)The username "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" is invalid.
renameusererrortoomany (Talk)The user "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" has $2 {{PLURAL:$2|contribution|contributions}}, renaming a user with more than $3 {{PLURAL:$3|contribution|contributions}} could adversely affect site performance.
renameuserlogentry (Talk)renamed $1 to "$2"
renameuserlogpage (Talk)User rename log
renameuserlogpagetext (Talk)This is a log of changes to user names.
renameusermove (Talk)Move user and talk pages (and their subpages) to new name
renameusernew (Talk)New username:
renameuserold (Talk)Current username:
renameuserreason (Talk)Reason for rename:
renameuserreserve (Talk)Block the old username from future use
renameusersubmit (Talk)Submit
renameusersuccess (Talk)The user "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" has been renamed to "<nowiki>$2</nowiki>".
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