Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 4: Spiral Labyrinth

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Front cover of Gaiden Gaiden Volume 4: Spiral Labyrinth

Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 4: Spiral Labyrinth (Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説外伝4螺旋迷宮) is the fourth novel in Tanaka Yoshiki's Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden series. It was first published in Japan by Tokyo Sogensha on 31. July 1989. (ISBN: 4-19-153995-7)


  1. The Hero's New Assignment (英雄のあたらしい仕事)
  2. A Short Trip to the Past (過去へのささやかな旅)
  3. Chronicle of the Second Battle of Tiamat (第二次ティアマト会戦記)
  4. Between the Mourning Dress and Military Uniform (喪服と軍服の間)
  5. The Prison Planet (収容所惑星)
  6. Prisoners and Hostages (捕虜と人質)
  7. A Rebellion of Microscopic Size (顕微鏡サイズの反乱)
  8. A Thread from the Past (過去からの糸)
  9. The Journey in Search of the Exit (出口をさがす旅)
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