Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 4: Stratagem
From Gineipaedia, the Legend of Galactic Heroes wiki
Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 4: Strategem (Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説4策謀篇) is the fourth novel in Tanaka Yoshiki's Legend of Galactic Heroes series. It was first published in Japan by Tokyo Sogensha on 31 October 1984. (ISBN: 4-19-152978-1). It was first published in English as part of the Haikasoru series on 13 July 2017. (ISBN: 978-1421584973).
- Thunder (雷鳴)
- Maze (迷路)
- The Arrow Is Released (矢は放たれた)
- The Galactic Empire Legitimate Government (銀河帝国正統政府)
- A Departure (ひとつの出発)
- Operation: Ragnarök (作戦名「神々の黄昏」)
- Military Attaché Ensign Mintz (駐在武官ミンツ少尉)
- Invitation to a Requiem (鎮魂曲への招待)
- Fezzan Occupied (フェザーン占領)
1984 cover illustrated by Katō Naoyuki |
2007 cover illustrated by Hoshino Yukinobu |