Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 8: Desolation

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Front cover of Volume 8: Desolation

Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 8: Desolation (Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説8乱離篇) is the eighth novel in Tanaka Yoshiki's Legend of Galactic Heroes series. It was first published in Japan by Tokyo Sogensha on 31 January 1987. (ISBN: 4-19-153384-3).

Publisher's summary

After utterly defeating the Free Planets Alliance, Kaiser Reinhard has brought 99 percent of inhabited space under his control. Still, dissatisfaction and unease coil within his breast, for the galaxy's last remaining sliver of free territory is defended by none other than Yang Wen-li. Seeking decisive battle, the Imperial Navy moves to attack Iserlohn Fortress, but due to Yang's unexpected plan, the battle has already begun before Reinhard arrives. The Yang Fleet must overcome an enormous difference in force strength—while at the same time, a trap laid by the Church of Terra is closing in around Yang…


  1. To the Windy Corridor (風は回廊へ)
  2. Spring Storm (春の嵐)
  3. The Invincible and the Undefeated (常勝と不敗と)
  4. Kaleidoscope (万華鏡)
  5. The Magician Doesn't Come Back (魔術師、還らず)
  6. After the Festival (祭りの後)
  7. Disappointing Victory (失意の凱旋)
  8. The Order to Transfer the Capital (遷都令)
  9. New Government in August (八月の新政府)


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