Holly House
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Holly House (801 UC (3 NIC / 492 IC / 3601 CE))
Holly House (Japanese: 柊館) was the provisional residence of the Imperial family on Fezzan, located near the New Imperial Capital.
Contents |
Name variations
- Holly House (Translation of Japanese, derived from LD/DVD subtitles)
- Die Steineichepalme schloß (DVD subtitles — German)
- die Steineichepalme schloß (LD subtitles — German)
- 柊館 (LD/DVD subtitles — Japanese)
Background information
The name given in the German subtitles is not an accurate translation — Steineichepalme appears to be a melding of the German words for holly oak and holly (two different plants). This is almost certainly a mistake on the part of the production team. The character used in the Japanese name, 柊, can refer to either the holly osmanthus (an unrelated plant native to eastern Asia) or the European holly (often qualified with 西洋, Western).