Prime Minister's official residence
From Gineipaedia, the Legend of Galactic Heroes wiki

Crowds in front of the Prime Minister's office (798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE))
The Prime Minister's official residence (Japanese: 宰相府) was a building in the Imperial City on Odin was constructed of a light-gray stone and had served as the official seat of the prime minister. In the aftermath of the Imperial Civil War (early 798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE) to mid 799 UC (1 NIC / 490 IC / 3599 CE)), Reinhard von Lohengramm preferred to use this residence for government functions while Neue Sanssouci was maintained as the child emperor Erwin Josef II's residence. (Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 4: The Plot)
- 'First Battle' (only appearance)