Andrew Falk

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Commodore Yang Wen-li
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Free Planets Alliance
Rank: Commodore
Status: Deceased
Died: 800 UC (2 NIC / 491 IC / 3600 CE)
Played by: Furuya Tōru

Andrew Falk (Japanese: アンドリュー・フォーク) was a commodore of the Free Planets Alliance who was notable for his part in the FPA invasion of Imperial territory in mid-796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE). He was also involved (albeit briefly) in the plot to assassinate Yang Wen-li in 800 UC (2 NIC / 491 IC / 3600 CE).



Military career

Having graduated at the head of his class from the FPA Officer Academy, Falk entered the military and rose to the rank of commodore by mid-796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE). Around that time, he drafted and proposed an operation which would have had the Alliance Star Fleet invade the territory of the Galactic Empire and liberate its citizens. This proposal was approved by the High Council, in large part as a way to ensure the council members' incumbency in their upcoming election.

Falk argued for the expedition — involving eight fleets, 200,000 ships, and over 30 million soldiers — as a noble 'crusade' and dismissed concerns from vice admirals Ulanhu and Yang that the plan was vague and overly optimistic. Fleet Admiral Sidney Sithole argued, however, that the operation was proposed purely out of greed, as a means to a seat on the High Council and, eventually, the highest rank of the military. (LOGH: 'Invasion of the Imperial Territory', 'Liberation of the Frontier Zone')

Over the objections, public and private, of several members of the FPA military and political leadership, the plan went forward in August of 796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE). Although more than 200 starzones fell to the Alliance with no resistance, the Imperial military had taken the food stores of the inhabited planets during their evacuation, leaving the FPA with the obligation to feed the 'liberated' citizens. This represented a significant supply burden on the FPA, and Chief of Staff Alex Cazerne surmised that it would ultimately lead to an Imperial attack on the resulting supply lines from Heinessen. Falk dismissed this concern as well, and the High Council subsequently voted to continue the operation. (LOGH: 'When the Rain of Grief Comes...', 'Liberation of the Frontier Zone')

As Cazerne had predicted, however, the 500-ship supply transport from Heinessen was attacked and completely destroyed. Falk, ostensibly under the orders of Commander in Chief Lassalle Lobos, advised the Alliance invasion commanders to procure supplies 'on the spot'. This bred resentment within the Imperial populace, and led in short order to riots on multiple planets.

Realising their situation was untenable, the commanders at the front lines requested that they be allowed to withdraw. This request was relayed through Vice Admiral Bewcock of the 5th Fleet to Falk, who was stationed at Iserlohn. (LOGH: 'Liberation of the Frontier Zone')



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