A Single Fine Thread (DNT episode)

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This article is about the Die Neue These episode. For the similarly titled OVA episode, see One Narrow Thread (episode).

'A Single Fine Thread'
DNT: series 3, episode 6
released 2022/04/01
Rubinsky and Kesserling (DNT).jpg
798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE)
30th of 48 released in DNT
195th of 213 released in all

A Single Fine Thread (Japanese: 細い一本の糸) is the 30th episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.



In Fezzan, Adrian Rubinsky explains to Degsby, a Terraist bishop, about his plan to assist Reinhard von Lohengramm in deposing the Goldenbaum Dynasty and destroying the Free Planets Alliance. Then, Reinhard's administration is to be toppled, allowing them to take over the unified galaxy. Rupert Kesserling, Rubinsky's aide, is tasked with the execution of the plan. First, he reaches out to Count Jochen von Remscheid, the former Imperial high commissioner to Fezzan, and inveigles him into leading a yet undisclosed plot. Next, Kesserling visits Henslow, the Alliance high commissioner to Fezzan, to report to him that financial support from Fezzan can only continue if the Alliance is a stable democracy, and then suggests that Yang Wen-li is harbouring ambitions to seize power. Finally, Kesserling enlists two former members of the Lippstadt League, Leopold Schumacher and Alfred von Landsberg, to carry out the plot that will be led by Count Remscheid.



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