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High Commissioner Henslow (798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE))
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Free Planets Alliance
Occupation: Alliance high commissioner to Fezzan
Status: Alive (799 UC (1 NIC / 490 IC / 3599 CE))
Played by: Masuoka Hiroshi

Henslow (Japanese: ヘンスロー) was an Alliance diplomat who served as high commissioner to Fezzan in the Alliance High Commissioner's office.

His father had been the founder of a well known corporation. Henslow inherited the corporation, but was ultimately removed by the management because he was incompetent and unlikable. (Legend of Galactic Heroes Volume 3: Endurance)

When Rupert Kesselring presented him with a debt of 500 billion dinars on behalf of the Alliance to repay bonds purchased by Fezzan, he entertained notions about the relative instability of the republic should Yang Wen-li choose to enter politics. This led to the extra-legal inquiry of Yang which greatly hindered Alliance efforts in the Eighth Battle of Iserlohn.

His term as the commissioner was terminated in late 798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE), when the Galactic Empire under Reinhard von Lohengramm took control of the planet Fezzan. He subsequently escaped the Empire with Julian Mintz and Louis Machungo on the Boris Konev's merchant ship Berezka. (LOGH: 'One Narrow Thread', 'Fezzan Occupied', 'Seeking a Free Universe')





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He was described as having "sagging cheeks, a large belly, and tiny eyebrows" in the novels. That characterization evidently did not carry over to the series.

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