A Rebellion of Microscopic Size (episode)

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'A Rebellion of Microscopic Size'
SL: series 1, episode 10
released 2000/??/??
Yang aiming Costea.jpg
November 788 UC (479 IC / 3588 CE)
10th of 14 released in SL
147th of 213 released in all

A Rebellion of Microscopic Size (Japanese: 顕微鏡サイズの反乱) is the tenth episode of the Spiral Labyrinth arc of the second series of the Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden OVA.



Captain Barnaby Costea orders the troops under his command to attack the rebelling prisoners, intending to kill both Yang Wen-li and Fyodor Patrichev in the crossfire as he fears they will expose his embezzlement of camp funds. With the help of Christopf von Köfenhiller, Yang, Patrichev and the rebelling prisoners are able to escape the compound. Preßburg informs Yang that his rebellion had been staged and that Costea had promised him an early release back to the Galactic Empire if he played along. Yang and Patrichev break into the Econia Internment Camp's command centre and capture Costea. They then report the events that have transpired to the Thanatos Starzone military police.




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