Bloodshed in Space (DNT episode)

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This article is about the Die Neue These episode. For the similarly titled OVA episode, see Bloodshed in Space (episode).

'Bloodshed in Space'
DNT: series 2, episode 6
released 2019/10/25
Ovlesser in armour (DNT).jpg
April-May 797 UC (488 IC / 3597 CE)
18th of 48 released in DNT
183rd of 213 released in all

Bloodshed in Space (Japanese: 流血の宇宙) is the 18th episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.




The Lippstadt League plans to draw Reinhard von Lohengramm to Geiersburg Fortress in order to defeat him in a decisive battle. In addition to this plan, Admiral Staden proposes to lead a fleet and secure Odin while Reinhard's forces are out in space. Wolfgang Mittermeyer is sent to intercept Staden and crushes his fleet in the Battle of Altena, forcing him to withdraw to Rentenberg Fortress. Reinhard decides to take the fortress, but the boarding parties are repelled by the garrison, led by High Admiral Ovlesser. An assault led by Mittermeyer and Oskar von Reuenthal succeeds, and Ovlesser is taken prisoner. Reinhard wants to execute him, but Paul von Oberstein advises to send him back to Geiersburg instead. Ovlesser is released, but is executed by Otho von Braunschweig who thinks he was freed because he turned against him. Fear of treason spreads within the Lippstadt League.



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