Imperial Cruiser (DNT)

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Imperial cruiser (797 UC (488 IC / 3597 CE))
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Type: Cruiser
Length: 817 metres(OACE)
Armament: 20 forward cannons
20 starboard cannons
20 port cannons
bow-mounted Armor-Piercing munitions
vertical missile launchers

This design served as the standard cruiser design of Imperial fleets in the Alliance–Imperial War. (DNT: 'The Capture of Iserlohn (Part One)')



The Imperial cruiser followed the usual layout of Imperial warships, with a long curved hull wedded to the engines mounted to the stern of the ship, with the ship's bridge mounted on the ventral side. Unlike most Imperial warships, it lacked any sort of transparency on its dorsal hull.

The cruiser mounted 20 beam cannons in its bow and additional arrays of at least 20 beam cannons on each of the port and starboard sides. In addition to the beam cannon armament, it was also equipped with multiple vertical-launching missile launch tubes mounted on the dorsal hull. The bow also incorporated launchers for armour-piercing munitions. (DNT: 'In the Eternal Night', 'The Verge of Death (Part Two)')

The vessel could also accomodate a complement of Walküre fighters, with launch bays for 15 Walküren arranged on the ventral hull.

Role and Capabilities

This cruiser design fought in all known fleet battles from at least 788 UC (479 IC / 3588 CE).

Unlike its Alliance counterparts, it was capable of entering planetary atmospheres and executing water landings. (DNT: 'In the Eternal Night', 'Farewell to the Days of Old')



Licensed sources

In addition to being expressly identified as a cruiser in DNT: 'The Capture of Iserlohn (Part One)', this design is also identified as a cruiser (in German, as a 'Kreuzer') in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Official Artworks Complete Edition.

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