Raymond Togliatti

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Raymond Togliatti (796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE))
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Free Planets Alliance
Occupation: Politician
Played by: Kitamura Kōichi

Raymond Togliatti (Japanese: レイモンド・トリアチ) was a politician running for election in Thernusen, the second largest city on the planet Heinnesen. Prior to the election he served as 'manager of the National Peace Conference, Thernusen district.'

Political career

A consumate politician, when Raymond Togliatti learned that Yang Wen-li had been invited to speak at the anniversary ceremony for the Free Planets Alliance Officer Academy in Thernusen, Togliatti ambushed Yang in the airport upon his arrival, flanked by news crews and a war orphan. At that point Togliatti was slightly behind in the polls for the special election, but forcing the 'Hero of Astate,' Yang Wenli, into shaking hands with him on camera greatly tipped the odds in his favor.

Not wanting to risk losing the special election to Peace Party candidate, James Thorndike, the Patriotic Knights Corps (acting either on their own, or possibly at the order of Togliatti) began attacking members of the Peace Party's campaign. Eventually, the PKC bombed the Peace Party headquarters, killing Thorndike. When Thorndike died, there was a great deal of public speculation that Togliatti's campaign had been responsible. When, in an impromptu interview, Yang Wen-li publicly voiced that he, too, believed believed the assassination was the work of the War Party, Raymond Togliatti lost the election to Thorndike's replacement, Jessica Edwards.



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