User:Kine/DVD names
From Gineipaedia, the Legend of Galactic Heroes wiki
This page contains a list of names given in the official subtitles of the original DVD release of LOGH. The purpose of the list is to help catalogue appearances, spellings, and so forth.
I arrived at this list by the following method:
- I used the application 'AVISubDetector' to detect when subtitles appeared in the DVD episodes and then take a screenshot of the frames where they appeared
- I transcribed the subtitles of all of the resulting screenshots into the images' XMP description fields (by hand to ensure accuracy — not trusting OCR with this) in GraphicConverter
- I created a shell script (will upload later) to run through all of the images with exif-tool and extract/sort/collate the subs
- I made some minor regexp changes and exclusions in a text editor (added bullets, removed dates/times, and so forth)
Unlike my CA DVD names list, this one is not adjusted for 'introductory text' — almost all of the subtitles appear verbatim. The only exceptions are that i've turned line breaks into slashes and i've collapsed case (i.e., planet "Heinessen" is listed under Planet "Heinessen").
Other notes:
- The list is currently incomplete (it's only up to about episode 066) — i will update once i have the rest
- There are probably a small number (1% or less) of individual subtitles that AVISubDetector didn't catch because they went by too quickly or whatever — let me know if you notice any specific instances of this
- It's interesting to note that there are several cases of inconsistency in spelling that i personally didn't notice before — for instance: Lennenkampf vs Lennenkanpf; Machungo vs Mashungo; Wilibald vs Willibald
- There are some people who share the same name (Carnap is one — any others?)
- I do eventually hope to transcribe all of the Japanese (including kanji) — but that's for later
- A bonus aspect of this project is that i now have a fully searchable collection of subtitle screenshots — see the image below. I'm not going to upload all of these to the site because it seems redundant (and it's thousands of files), but let me know if i can make use of this for any of your own projects :)
Legend of Galactic Heroes (OVA)
2nd Fleet
- 001
4th Fleet
- 001
6th Fleet
- 001
a Historian, D.Sinclair (modern history)
- 040
a minister of empire. Ernst Falstrong
- 040
a Mistress. Magdalena
- 040
Adalbert von Fahrenheit
- 002
- 018
- 022
- 066
Alex Cazerne
- 003
- 006
- 014
- 029
- 055
- 059
Alexandre Bewcock
- 012
- 014
- 015
- 017
- 019
- 024
- 031
Alfred Grillparzer
- 046
- 066
Alfred von Landsberg
- 020
- 022
- 030
- 035
- 036
- 012
- 015
"Alviss" System
- 015
an Admiral. Michel Cuffren / an Admiral. Christpher Wood
- 040
Andrew Falk
- 012
- 014
- 019
Annerose von Grünewald
- 001
- 002
- 004
- 005
- 011
- 036
- 009
- 018
- 020
- 022
Anton Fellner
- 009
- 018
- 020
- 054
- 058
Anton Hilmer von Schaft
- 028
- 035
- 012
- 015
- 020
- 022
- 044
- 048
Arthur Lynch
- 017
- 021
- 024
Arthur von Streit
- 009
- 018
- 027
- 048
- 057
Asadora Chartian
- 051
Assiniboia ravine
- 030
- 002
Aubry Coquelin
- 052
August Samuel Wahlen
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 022
- 057
- 063
- 021
- 024
- 061
Battleship "Abai Geser"
- 021
Battleship "Airget lamh"
- 021
- 043
- 051
Battleship "Maurya"
- 021
Battleship "Shiva"
- 060
Battleship "Triglav"
- 021
- 027
- 051
Battleship "Ulyses"
- 046
- 064
- 038
- 044 — referred to only by surname here
- 022
- 047
Bernhard von Schneider
- 018
- 020
- 027
- 055
- 057
"Bilrost" System
- 015
- 012
"Bolthorn" System
- 015
Boris Konev
- 016
- 022
- 026
- 035
- 045
- 055
- 057
- 063
- 012
- 015
- 019
- 021
- 024
- 057
Bruno von Knappstein
- 066
Bruno von Silberberch
- 055
- 057
- 065
- 066
- 048
- 052
- 045 — this is the politician
- 052 — this is the soldier
"Castrop" System
- 005
- 063
Charlotte Phyllis Cazerne
- 029
- 059
- 015
- 019
- 021
Chung Wu-Cheng
- 045
- 047
- 065
City Terneuzen
- 002
- 010
- 015
Construction Ship
- 052
Cornelia Windsor
- 012
- 014
Cornelius Lutz
- 015
- 022
- 046
Cosmocraft-carriar "Ameretat"
- 027
Cruiser "Leda II"
- 031
- 033
- 034
- 062
- 064
Das Dominion "Fezzan Land"
- 001
- 002
- 005
- 012
- 016
- 020
- 026
- 027
- 029
- 030
- 034
- 035
Das Flaggschiff "Asgrimm"
- 047
- 048
Das Flaggschiff "Barbarossa"
- 015
- 017
- 022
Das Flaggschiff "Beowulf"
- 015
- 020
- 022
- 035
- 048
- 065
Das Flaggschiff "Berlin"
- 022
- 023
Das Flaggschiff "Brünhild"
- 001
- 015
- 030
- 048
Das Flaggschiff "Forseti"
- 022
Das Flaggschiff "Garga Falmul"
- 046
- 050
- 055
Das Flaggschiff "Heremoss"
- 052
Das Flaggschiff "Jotunheim"
- 015
- 022
- 028
- 034
Das Flaggschiff "Königs Tiger"
- 015
- 022
- 047
- 048
- 066
Das Flaggschiff "Kvasir"
- 022
- 023
Das Flaggschiff "Lübeck"
- 022
- 028
- 029
- 048
Das Flaggschiff "Ostmark"
- 022
Das Flaggschiff "Perceval"
- 058
Das Flaggschiff "Salamander"
- 015
- 018
- 022
- 048
- 050
- 058
- 063
Das Flaggschiff "Sindur"
- 051
- 052
Das Flaggschiff "Skirnir"
- 022
- 043
- 046
Das Flaggschiff "Theodoricus"
- 051
- 052
Das Flaggschiff "Tristan"
- 022
- 035
Das Flaggschiff "Vigrissr"
- 052
Das Flaggschiff "Vonkel"
- 048
- 050
- 065
Das Gendarmerie Hauptquartier
- 057
Das Hauptgeschutz "Geies Haken"
- 032
Das Herrenhaus von Kümmel
- 030
- 035
- 057
Das Herrenhaus von Mariendorf
- 018
- 023
- 026
- 057
Das Hochkommissar Büro von Fezzan Land
- 037
Das Hochkommissar Büro von Kaiserrich
- 042
Das Hoheitsgebiet "Altena"
- 020
Das Hoher Kommissar Büro
- 012
Das Kleinem-schnell-Schiff
- 053
Das Kreuzer "Overhausen"
- 048
Das Kriegsministerium
- 011
- 018
- 028
- 030
- 034
- 037
- 058
- 064
Das Provisorische Büro die Bauarbeit Ministerium
- 065
Das Schlachtschiff "Wilhelmina"
- 022
- 023
Das Schloß von Beenemünde
- 011
Das Schloß von Braunschweig
- 009
- 018
Das Schloß von Grünewald
- 011
Das Schloß von Klopstock
- 009
Das Zentral Operations-Zimmer
- 028
- 035
Das Zimmer von Schwarzperle
- 037
- 019
- 042
- 045
"Dayan Khan" Supply Base
- 055
- 060
- 064
- 065
De Villie
- 054
- 058
- 063
- 029
Der 36. Kaiser Friedrich IV
- 001
- 004
- 008
- 011
Der 37. Kaiser Erwin Josef II
- 016
- 037
Der Aufdewahrungsraum für Staatssiegel
- 026
Der Bauort die neue Hauptstadt
- 066
Der Hauptplanet "Odin"
- 004
- 006
- 008
- 013
- 023
- 026
- 027
- 029
- 035
- 064
- 065
Der Planet "Fezzan"
- 065
- 066
Der Planet "Lesing"
- 015
Der Planet "Lügen"
- 015
- 015
- 015
Der Planet "Westerland"
- 023
Der Starngebiet "Amritsar"
- 015
- 016
Der Sterngebiet "Schan'n-tau"
- 022
Der VI. Gang
- 020
Der Zerstörer "Hameln IV"
- 047
- 044
- 048
Die Amtswohnung von Landesherr
- 027
- 029
Die Amtswohnung von Premierminister
- 026
- 027
Die Festung "Garmisch"
- 022
Die Festung "Geiersburg"
- 018
- 020
- 022
- 029
- 030
- 032
Die Festung "Iserlohn"
- 001
- 002
- 006
- 008
Die Festung "Rentenberg"
- 020
Die Festungskommandantur
- 007
- 033
Die Hauptstadt Odin
- 011
- 016
- 026
- 028
- 030
- 034
- 055
Die Lohengramm Admiralität
- 005
- 013
Die Reichsflotte
- 001
- 002
Die Verwaltung
- 018
- 023
Die Zentral Kommandanturzimmer
- 030
Dietrich Saucken
- 052
- 048
Dominique Saint-Pierré
- 014
- 038
- 016
- 044
- 047
- 034
- 020
- 044
- 048
- 063
Dusty Attemborough
- 001
- 002
- 003
- 006
- 016
- 017
- 021
- 027
- 055
- 060
"Dverger" System
- 015
- 015
- 015
- 015
Dwight Greenhill
- 003
- 006
- 010
- 012
- 014
- 015
- 019
- 024
Edwin Fischer
- 006
- 007
- 015
- 017
- 021
- 008
- 018
- 027
- 033
Elfriede von Kohlrausch
- 058
Emil von Reckendorf
- 020
- 022
- 046
Emil von Selle
- 064
Emill von Selle
- 047
Enrique Martino Borges de Alantes e Oliveira
- 060
- 061
Enrique Martino Borges de Arantes e Oliveira
- 031
- 032
- 001
- 002
Ernest Mecklinger
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 022
- 023
- 030
- 066
Ernst von Eisenach
- 028
- 042
- 016
Eugen Richter
- 027
- 057
- 028
Evangelin Mittermeyer
- 058
- 028
Fezzan Land Commissioner's office to Free Planets
- 045
- 031
Flagship "Achilleus"
- 048
- 052
Flagship "Bang-goo"
- 015
Flagship "Belenus"
- 048
Flagship "Cu Chulainn"
- 015
Flagship "Hyperion"
- 006
- 007
- 015
- 027
Flagship "Krishna"
- 015
Flagship "Leonidas"
- 001
Flagship "Leonidas II"
- 021
Flagship "Marduk"
- 035
Flagship "Maurya"
- 035
Flagship "Muffuese"
- 052
Flagship "Palamedes"
- 015
Flagship "Patoroklos"
- 001
Flagship "Pergamonn"
- 001
Flagship "Perun"
- 015
Flagship "Rio Grande"
- 014
- 045
- 047
- 048
Flagship "RK-387"
- 060
Flagship "Rustam"
- 048
Flagship "Triglav"
- 046
Francesck Romsky
- 065
Franz Varimont
- 014
Franz von Mariendorf
- 005
- 018
- 055
- 057
Frederica Greenhill
- 006
- 007
- 017
- 027
- 055
Frederica Greenhill Yang
- 059
Free Planets High Commissioner's office
- 029
- 042
Free Planets, Lycus - Base of Supplies
- 052
Free Planets, Rudmila - Base of Supplies
- 051
Free Planets Star Fleet
- 001
- 002
- 009
- 011
- 018
- 022
Freuden Berge
- 026
- 036
"Freyà" System
- 020
Fritz Joseph Bittenfeld
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 022
- 028
- 057
- 066
- 015
- 034
Fyodor Patrichev
- 006
- 017
"Gandharva" System
- 065
- 005
- 012
- 044
- 036
- 037
- 065
- 066
Günther Kisling
- 028
- 057
- 057
Grand bishop
- 016
- 038
- 054
- 058
- 063
- 048
Gregor von Mückenberger
- 004
- 008
- 016
- 052
- 022
Hamdi Ashur
- 060
Hans Dietrich von Seeckt
- 001
- 006
- 007
Hans Eduard Bergengrün
- 005
- 015
Hans Stelzer
- 058
- 063
- 012
- 014
Heidrich Lang
- 041
- 057
- 064
Heinessen Military Spaceport
- 062
Heinrich von Kümmel
- 030
- 035
- 057
Helmut Lennenkampf
- 028
- 046
- 055
- 059
Helmut Lennenkanpf
- 037
- 042
- 029
- 034
Hildegard von Mariendorf
- 018
- 027
- 028
- 055
- 057
- 020
Horst Schürer
- 052
Horst Sinzer
- 022
- 044
- 048
Hortense Cazerne
- 029
- 055
- 059
- 045
Hotel "Batavia"
- 042
Hotel "Capricorn"
- 049
Hotel "Shangri-la"
- 059
- 060
- 061
- 065
Hotel "Vltava"
- 044
- 046
- 065
- 066
Huang Rui
- 012
- 014
- 031
- 032
- 055
Isaak Fernand von Thurneysen
- 045
Ivan Konev
- 002
- 015
- 027
"Jafnhár" System
- 015
- 015
Jakob Hauptmann
- 018
- 023
James Thorndike
- 010
- 061
Jean Robert Lapp
- 001
- 010
Jessica Edwards
- 002
- 003
- 010
- 021
Job Trunicht
- 003
- 006
- 012
- 014
- 017
- 024
- 029
- 032
- 057
Jochen von Remscheid
- 012
- 029
- 045
João Rebelo
- 012
- 014
- 032
- 055
Julian Mintz
- 003
- 006
- 010
- 016
- 027
- 055
- 063
Kahle Willock
- 044
- 055
- 063
Kaiser Reinhard
- 055
- 057
Kaiserrich Legittmitat Regierung
- 045
- 049
Kaiserrich Legittmität Regierung
- 041
- 063
Karl Braque
- 027
- 057
Karl Edward Bayerlein
- 020
- 035
- 048
- 058
Karl Gustav Kempff
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 022
- 028
Karl Robert Steinmetz
- 023
- 065
Kasper Linz
- 007
- 033
Katerose von Kreutzer
- 055
- 064
Klaus von Lichtenlade
- 001
- 005
- 008
- 011
- 016
- 018
- 063
- 013
- 050
- 065
- 012
Konrad Rinnesal
- 022
- 063
Konrad von Modell
- 022
- 036
- 019
- 001
- 005
- 007
- 063
Lake "Nam-Tso"
- 058
- 063
Landesherr Adrian Rubinsky
- 001
- 002
- 005
- 012
- 014
- 027
- 021
- 027
Lassalle Lobos
- 012
- 014
- 015
- 012
- 019
- 021
Leopold Schumacher
- 022
- 023
- 030
- 035
- 036
Lionel Morton
- 034
- 045
- 047
- 048
Louis Machungo
- 024
- 055
Louis Mashungo
- 031
- 063
Magdalena von Westpfale
- 002
- 009
- 057
- 016
- 022
- 026
- 044
- 055
- 063
- 048
- 015
- 052
- 060
Maximilian von Castrop
- 005
- 037
- 001
Mount Coldarena
- 055
Mt. Kangchenjunga
- 063
- 006
- 007
- 017
"Napoleon" Antoine de Hautetaire
- 058
- 063
National Opera Theater
- 061
near "Pluto"
- 063
"Necklace of Artemis"
- 024
- 029
- 031
- 032
- 050
Neidhart Müller
- 022
- 028
- 058
- 066
Neithard Müller
- 018
Neue Sanssouci
- 001
- 002
- 004
- 008
- 018
- 037
- 055
- 057
- 064
- 065
Nguyen Kim Hua
- 040
Nguyen Van Huu
- 017
- 021
- 035
Nicholas Boltik
- 002
Nicolas Boltik
- 036
- 047
- 031
- 004
- 018
- 020
Olivier Poplin
- 001
- 002
- 015
- 017
- 027
- 055
- 057
- 063
- 028
- 034
Oskar von Reuenthal
- 001
- 002
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 028
- 058
- 057
Otho von Braunschweig
- 009
- 016
- 018
- 020
- 001
- 002
- 045
- 047
- 063
- 001
- 033
Patriotic Knight Corps
- 010
- 012
Patriotic Knights Corps
- 003
Paul von Oberstein
- 001
- 004
- 006
- 007
- 008
- 015
- 017
- 028
- 057
- 058
- 057
- 015
- 019
- 031
Planet "El Facil"
- 006
- 017
- 065
Planet "Heinessen"
- 002
- 006
- 016
- 021
- 024
- 029
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 040
- 045
- 054
- 055
- 060
- 065
Planet "Kapche-Lanka"
- 028
Planet "Mars"
- 063
Planet "Shampool"
- 021
Planet "Srinagar"
- 024
Planet "Terra"
- 054
- 057
- 058
- 063
planet "Theoria" / "Aldebaran" system
- 040
Planet "Uruvasi"
- 049
- 065
- 035
- 045
- 037
- 045
- 057
Raimond Togliatti
- 010
Rainer Blumhardt
- 007
- 061
Ralph Carlsen
- 045
- 047
- 055
- 059
- 064
Regiment "Rosen Ritter"
- 006
Reinhard von Lohengramm
- 001
- 002
- 004
- 016
- 017
- 027
Restaurant "March Rabbit"
- 049
- 055
- 038
- 031
- 042
- 061
Rolf Otto Brauhitch
- 051
- 052
Royal Sanford
- 012
- 014
Rudolf the Great
- 040
Rudolf von Goldenbaum
- 040
Rupert Kesserling
- 026
- 027
- 061
- 062
- 065
Saint Theresa Square
- 044
- 022
- 048
Sandle Alarcon
- 034
- 035
Schwarz Lanzenreiter
- 015
- 016
- 066
Schwarzens Schloß
- 018
- 023
Sebastian von Müsel
- 004
"See Adler"
- 028
- 066
- 057
- 061
Sidney Sithole
- 003
- 006
- 007
Siegfried Kircheis
- 001
- 002
- 004
- 017
- 045
Soon Soulzzkaritter
- 045
- 048
Space Combat Fighter "Spartanian"
- 027
Space-combat-fighter "Spartanian"
- 015
"Spartanian" Enforce-scout-type
- 050
- 001
- 018
- 020
STAR SHIP "Ion Fazekath"
- 040
Starzone "Doria"
- 021
Starzone "Eleuthera" 2 May
- 053
Starzone "Lycus".24 Apr.
- 052
Starzone "Polesoun"
- 055
Starzone "Vermilion"
- 051
- 008
- 018
- 021
Strategical Planning Centre
- 003
- 006
- 007
- 012
- 024
- 045
- 053
- 061
Sussanna von Beenemünde
- 011
Terraism Religious Headquarters
- 054
- 058
the 20th Emperor. Friedrich III
- 040
the 7th planet, "Altair" system
- 040
The administrative building
- 012
The capital Heinessenpolis
- 003
- 006
- 012
- 014
- 017
- 021
- 024
- 053
- 061
- 065
The Central Public Prosecutors Office
- 060
- 061
the Chief of the staff. Yūsuf Topparol
- 040
the Dominion "Fhezzan Land"
- 040
the First dominion load Leopold Lape
- 040
The Fortress Headquarters
- 032
The General Headquarters
- 024
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 045
the Grand duke. Herbert
- 040
The Headquarters of Terraism
- 063
The high commissioner's office
- 012
The High Council
- 012
- 014
- 016
- 045
The High Council Building
- 031
- 045
- 054
- 055
- 060
- 065
The Iserlohn Fortress
- 014
- 015
- 027
- 029
- 030
- 045
The National Defense Council
- 042
The Place of inquiry committee
- 031
- 032
the Prime Minister of the Empire. Joachim von Neue Stauffen / the 2nd Emperor. Sigismund I
- 040
The Restaurant "White Stag"
- 032
The Space Elevator
- 047
The space-port of Heinessen
- 016
the Supreme commander. Lin Pao
- 040
"The Undutiness"
- 055
- 063
Theodor von Rücke
- 028
- 048
- 057
- 014
Thoma von Stockhausen
- 001
- 006
"Thor Hammer"
- 002
- 006
- 008
- 015
- 001
- 005
Udo Dater Fummel
- 060
- 065
- 012
- 014
- 015
Ulrich Kesler
- 013
- 022
- 036
- 057
Underground Tentative Headquarters
- 061
- 019
- 021
- 031
- 013
- 042
Volker Axel von Bülow
- 005
- 044
- 048
- 014
Walter Islands
- 033
- 035
Walter von Schönkopf
- 006
- 007
- 017
- 027
- 055
- 060
- 057
Welner Aldringen
- 052
Weltall-jagdflugzeug "Walküre"
- 015
- 027
Wenzel von Hasselback
- 064
Wilhelm von Klopstock
- 009
Wilhelm von Littenheim
- 016
- 018
- 020
- 022
Wilibald Joachim von Merkatz
- 027
- 055
William Odets
- 045
Willibald Joachim von Merkatz
- 001
- 002
- 004
- 018
- 020
"Wänsteidt" System
- 015
Wolfgang Mittermeyer
- 001
- 002
- 005
- 015
- 018
- 028
- 058
Yang Wen-li
- 001
- 002
- 003
- 006
- 007
- 010
- 017
- 027
- 055
- 059
- 048