
From Gineipaedia, the Legend of Galactic Heroes wiki

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This page is a sandbox created for the purpose of testing modifications to Gineipaedia.

Testing navbox code

Testing rank templates

fpa normal = Commodore

emp normal = High Admiral

fpa lower = warrant officer

fpa sentence = Warrant officer

Testing licence templates

These are a few licence templates:

This file contains copyrighted material which remains the property of its original creator(s). It is intended to be used in a manner that qualifies as fair use / fair dealing under copyright law.


This file is the work of the uploader and is made available by him or her under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence. It is intended to be used in a manner consistent with those terms.


This file is the work of a third party who has made it available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence. It is intended to be used in a manner consistent with those terms.

This is a ul:

This an ol:

  1. Something here
  2. Something else here
  3. Another thing here
    1. This is a nested ol
    2. And this
    3. And this too

And then this is an ending paragraph

Note: Any broken links left on this page will appear on WantedPages. Please remove these links when you are done with them in order to keep the wanted list useful.
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