Operation: Ragnarök (DNT episode)

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This article is about the Die Neue These episode. For the similarly titled OVA episode, see Operation: Ragnarök (episode).

'Operation: Ragnarök'
DNT: series 4, episode 10
released 2022/11/25
Reinhard announcing (DNT).jpg
November 798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE)
46th of 48 released in DNT
211th of 213 released in all

Operation: Ragnarök (Japanese: 作戦名『神々の黄昏ラグナロック) is the 46th episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.



Julian Mintz arrives on Fezzan after a stopover on Heinessen. The next evening, he attends his welcome party, where he spreads conjecture about a possible invasion of Fezzan from the Galactic Empire. On 8 November 798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE), Reinhard von Lohengramm announces the personnel assignments for the invasion of the Free Planets Alliance, which he names as Operation Ragnarök. Oskar von Reuenthal, Helmut Lennenkampf and Cornelius Lutz are to lead their fleets on a diversionary attack on Iserlohn Fortress while Wolfgang Mittermeyer, Neidhart Müller, Karl Robert Steinmetz, August Samuel Wahlen and Reinhard himself will lead the bulk of the expeditionary forces through Fezzan Corridor. The fleets of Fritz Josef Bittenfeld and Adalbert von Fahrenheit will be placed on reserve, Ernst von Eisenach is to provide rear support to the diversionary forces and Ernest Mecklinger and Ulrich Kesler are to stay in Odin.



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