Victory for Whose Sake? (DNT episode)

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This article is about the Die Neue These episode. For the similarly titled OVA episode, see Victory for Whose Sake? (episode).

'Victory for Whose Sake?'
DNT: series 2, episode 9
released 2019/11/29
Yang explaining plan to staff (DNT).jpg
797 UC (488 IC / 3597 CE)
21st of 48 released in DNT
186th of 213 released in all

Victory for Whose Sake? (Japanese: 誰がための勝利) is the 21st episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.



After Yang Wen-li's victory in the Battle of Doria, the National Salvation Military Council rapidly loses its control over territories outside Heinessen and is holed up in the capital planet, well protected by the Artemis Necklace. Yang decides to use propaganda and asks Baghdash to publicly admit that the Galactic Empire is behind the coup. Baghdash's speech is widely broadcasted throughout Heinessen. The leaders of the coup are astonished, but Arthur Lynch, the agent provocateur, reveals that Yang's accusations are true and admits having received orders from Reinhard von Lohengramm. Meanwhile, Yang destroys the Artemis Necklace by ramming its elements with huge chunks of ice in near light speed. Driven to despair, the leaders of the National Salvation Military Council decide to surrender, though not before destroying all evidence of the Empire's involvement. Admiral Dwight Greenhill and Lynch are killed in the ensuing gunfight. Democracy is restored. Job Trunicht, hidden by members of the Terraist Church, comes back to power.

Elsewhere in Fezzan, Boris Konev is recruited by Adrian Rubinsky to serve as an intelligence officer for the Fezzani government in the Free Planets Alliance.


Memorable quotes

"Whoever came up with the idea of God was the greatest con artist in history. I can only admire that person's imagination and business sense. From ancient times all the way up to today, the wealthiest ones in every country have been nobles, landowners and religious organisations."

Boris Konev, to Adrian Rubinsky, summarising Yang Wen-li's views on religion

Background information


Production staff

Personal tools
Tool box