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File list

descDate Name User Size Description Versions
14:08, 19 February 2020AllianceTransportShip_rearDNT13.jpg (file)Vympel236 KB (An Alliance Transport Ship in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|013}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War)1
14:06, 19 February 2020AllianceTransportShipDNT11.jpg (file)Vympel194 KB (An Alliance Transport Ship in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|011}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter)1
13:56, 19 February 2020ImperialTransport_port_DNT15.jpg (file)Vympel232 KB (An Imperial Transport Ship in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|015}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War)1
13:56, 19 February 2020ImperialTransport_DNT_20.jpg (file)Vympel216 KB (An Imperial Transport Ship in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|020}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
12:58, 18 February 2020ImperialTransport_DNT_18.jpg (file)Vympel200 KB (An Imperial Transport Ship, flanked by the flagship ''Tristan'' (right) and the flagship ''Beowulf'' (left) about to launch amphibious assault ships towards Rentenberg Fortress in {)1
11:52, 12 February 2020AllianceDestroyer_Rear_DNT19.jpg (file)Vympel152 KB (An Alliance Destroyer of the 11th Fleet at the Battle of Doria Starzone in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
11:52, 12 February 2020AllianceDestroyer_DNT19.jpg (file)Vympel181 KB (An Alliance Destroyer of the 11th Fleet at the Battle of Doria Starzone in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
11:50, 12 February 2020AllianceDestroyer_DNT01.jpg (file)Vympel222 KB (An Alliance Destroyer engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
11:49, 12 February 2020AllianceDestroyer_DNT12.jpg (file)Vympel207 KB (An Alliance Destroyer moments away from being destroyed in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:10, 10 February 2020Imperial_cruiser_DNT20.jpg (file)Vympel217 KB (An [Imperial Cruiser (DNT)|Imperial Cruiser]] of the Lippstadt Coalition in in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|020}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
10:01, 10 February 2020Imperial_destroyer_ventral_bow_DNT08.jpg (file)Vympel154 KB (An Imperial Destroyer belonging to the rebellious forces of Maximilian von Castrop engaged in battle in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:45, 10 February 2020Imperial_destroyer_rear_DNT_15.jpg (file)Vympel276 KB (The battleship ''Ulysses'' escoring an Imperial Destroyer in the Iserlohn Corridor in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|015}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
09:43, 10 February 2020Imperial_destroyer_DNT_15.jpg (file)Vympel206 KB (The battleship ''Ulysses'' escoring an Imperial Destroyer in the Iserlohn Corridor in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|015}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War == Lic)1
09:40, 10 February 2020Imperial_destroyer_ventralrear_DNT08.jpg (file)Vympel158 KB (An Imperial Destroyer belonging to the rebellious forces of Maximilian von Castrop engaged in battle in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:38, 10 February 2020Imperial_destroyer_DNT08.jpg (file)Vympel221 KB (An Imperial Destroyer belonging to the rebellious forces of Maximilian von Castrop engaged in battle in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:01, 9 February 2020AllianceCruiser_VentralFront_DNT01.jpg (file)Vympel123 KB (An Alliance Cruiser engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
02:54, 8 February 2020AllianceCruiser_DNT19.jpg (file)Vympel205 KB (An Alliance Cruiser of the 11th Fleet at the Battle of Doria Starzone in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
14:17, 2 February 2020ImpCruiser_dorsal_DNT08.jpg (file)Vympel213 KB (An Imperial Imperial Cruiser engaged in battle in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
04:48, 2 February 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_rear_dorsalDNT12.jpg (file)Vympel363 KB (The 10th Fleet under missile attack in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
11:39, 31 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_ventralrearDNT01.jpg (file)Vympel184 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
11:35, 31 January 2020AllianceBattleshipMaxFireDNT13.jpg (file)Vympel176 KB (Alliance Standard Battleships of the 13th Fleet at the Battle of Amritsar in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|013}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
11:21, 31 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleshipDNT19.jpg (file)Vympel193 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship of the 11th Fleet at the Battle of Doria Starzone in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
06:57, 31 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_dorsaldetailDNT19.jpg (file)Vympel167 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship of the 11th Fleet at the Battle of Doria Starzone in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
11:17, 30 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleshipDNT19_rear.jpg (file)Vympel206 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship of the 11th Fleet in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{dnt|019}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
11:15, 30 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_enginesDNT02.jpg (file)Vympel170 KB (The starboard engines of an Alliance Standard Battleship being activated at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|002}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
12:48, 26 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleshipDNT12_protect.jpg (file)Vympel215 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship of the 13th Fleet moving to shield a cruiser and a destroyer in late {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter)1
12:46, 26 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleshipDNT12_missiles.jpg (file)Vympel241 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship firing missiles in late {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
12:44, 26 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_forwardenginesDNT02.jpg (file)Vympel209 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|002}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:03, 25 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleshipDNT12_fire.jpg (file)Vympel200 KB (Alliance Standard Battleships firing upon the Kircheis Fleet in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:01, 25 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_dorsal_DNT01.jpg (file)Vympel180 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
12:59, 25 January 2020AllianceStandardBattleship_DNT01.jpg (file)Vympel205 KB (An Alliance Standard Battleship engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:14, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipWalkurelaunch13.jpg (file)Vympel216 KB (A Standard Battleship of the Black Lancers launching fighters at the Battle of Amritsar in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|013}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War )1
10:11, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipMissile01.jpg (file)Vympel146 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship engaged at the Battle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:10, 14 January 2020ArmorPiercer_FireDNT02.jpg (file)Vympel212 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship firing armor-piercing ammunition at theBattle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|002}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:09, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipSideGun01.jpg (file)Vympel216 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship engaged at theBattle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:03, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipShieldFlash08.jpg (file)Vympel271 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship receives fire on its shields in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:02, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipDorsalDetail11.jpg (file)Vympel281 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship departing Odin in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|011}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
10:00, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipVentral07.jpg (file)Vympel320 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship engaged at theBattle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:59, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipRear07_1.jpg (file)Vympel284 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|007}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:57, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipGunCloseUp.jpg (file)Vympel154 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship engaged at theBattle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:56, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipRear07.jpg (file)Vympel325 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|007}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:55, 14 January 2020ImpStandardBattleshipSide07.jpg (file)Vympel297 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|007}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
09:54, 14 January 2020StandardImperialBattleshipDNT01.jpg (file)Vympel252 KB (An Imperial Standard Battleship engaged at theBattle of Astarte in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|001}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:10, 10 January 2020Dansleif_rear02.jpg (file)Vympel283 KB (== Summary == The flagship ''Dáinsleif'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:08, 10 January 2020Dansleif_rear.jpg (file)Vympel277 KB (The flagship ''Dáinsleif'' confronted by the ''Barbarossa'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:07, 10 January 2020Dainsleif_ventral.jpg (file)Vympel201 KB (The flagship ''Dáinsleif'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|008}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
15:00, 25 December 2019PalamedesDNT.jpg (file)Vympel210 KB (The flagship ''Palamedes'' engaged in battle against the Mittermeyer Fleet in ({{d|796|uc}}). ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter)1
14:35, 25 December 2019MorriganDNT.jpg (file)Vympel339 KB (The flagship ''Morrigan'' engaged in battle against the Wahlen Fleet ({{d|796|uc}}). ({{dnt|012}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Encounter )1
13:27, 24 December 2019Jagganath_DNT13.jpg (file)Vympel140 KB (The ''Jagganath'' about to take heavy damage at the Battle of Amritsar in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{dnt|013}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War)1
13:05, 21 December 2019DNTcover.jpg (file)Vympel557 KB (The front cover of ''Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Official Artworks Complete Edition''. Category:Images of merchandise )1

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