File list
From Gineipaedia, the Legend of Galactic Heroes wiki
This special page shows all uploaded files. By default the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list.
A click on a column header changes the sorting.Date | Name | User | Size | Description | Versions |
12:10, 21 October 2011 | Bridgetprofile.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (Profile picture of Bridget) | 1 |
12:13, 21 October 2011 | Bridgetsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 34 KB | (Production sketch of Bridget) | 1 |
12:19, 21 October 2011 | Bridget.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 25 KB | (The flagship ''Bridget'' in {{d|745|uc}}. ({{sl|06}})) | 1 |
12:34, 21 October 2011 | Bridgetbridgesketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 41 KB | (Sketch of the bridge of the Bridget) | 1 |
13:38, 21 October 2011 | Lugeilanprofile.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 45 KB | (Profile picture of Lugeilan) | 1 |
13:59, 21 October 2011 | Lugeilan.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (The flagship ''Lugeilan'' in {{d|745|uc}}. ({{sl|05}})) | 2 |
14:04, 21 October 2011 | Lugeilan2.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (The flagship ''Lugeilan'' in {{d|745|uc}}. ({{sl|05}})) | 1 |
14:27, 21 October 2011 | Lugeilansketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 32 KB | (Production sketch of Lugeilan) | 1 |
14:35, 21 October 2011 | HardLucksketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 33 KB | (Production sketch of Hard Luck) | 1 |
14:35, 21 October 2011 | HardLuckbridgesketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 39 KB | (Sketch of the bridge of the Hard Luck) | 1 |
06:34, 23 October 2011 | Leda2sketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 39 KB | (Production sketches of Leda II) | 1 |
06:34, 23 October 2011 | Leda2bridgesketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 40 KB | (Sketch of the bridge of Leda II) | 1 |
04:27, 27 October 2011 | FPAuniformguide.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 36 KB | (FPA uniform guide sketches from the DVD set) | 1 |
12:30, 31 October 2011 | CuChulainnsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 40 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Cu Chulainn'') | 1 |
12:51, 31 October 2011 | Perunsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 40 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Perun'') | 1 |
12:59, 1 November 2011 | Quetzalcoatlsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Quetzalcoatl'') | 1 |
13:28, 1 November 2011 | Krishnasketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 37 KB | (Production sketch of ''Krishna'') | 1 |
11:02, 4 November 2011 | Spartaniansketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 33 KB | (Production sketch of a Spartanian fighter) | 1 |
11:05, 4 November 2011 | Spartanianinternalsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 42 KB | (Production sketch of internal structure of a Spartanian fighter) | 1 |
11:43, 4 November 2011 | Palamedessketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 40 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Palamedes'') | 1 |
12:09, 4 November 2011 | Spartanianscoutsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 31 KB | (Production sketch of the Spartanian Enforce Scout type) | 1 |
12:24, 4 November 2011 | Imperialshuttlesketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 40 KB | (Production sketch of the Imperial shuttle) | 1 |
12:30, 4 November 2011 | Allianceshuttlesketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (Production sketch of the Alliance shuttle) | 1 |
15:00, 5 November 2011 | Iserlohninternallayoutsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 44 KB | (Production sketch of internal layout of Iserlohn Fortress) | 1 |
10:41, 7 November 2011 | Loghmanlymen.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 446 KB | (A poster showing some manly men scenes from LOGH) | 1 |
13:20, 11 November 2011 | Patoroklossketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 42 KB | (Production sketch of the Patoroklos) | 1 |
11:37, 13 November 2011 | Eistlasketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 34 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Eistla'') | 1 |
11:44, 13 November 2011 | Ulfrunsketch.jpg (file) | Iracundus | 34 KB | (Production sketch of the ''Ulfrun'') | 1 |
22:29, 30 November 2011 | Palamedes_(CA-DVD).jpg (file) | Kine | 75 KB | (The ''Palamedes'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{logh|015|i}}) ) | 1 |
22:32, 30 November 2011 | Palamedes_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 252 KB | (Un-messed-with version) | 2 |
09:16, 6 December 2011 | Shiva_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 124 KB | (Side view of the ''Shiva''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:11, 9 December 2011 | Barbarossa_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 85 KB | (Side view of the ''Barbarossa''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:12, 9 December 2011 | Heremoss_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 83 KB | (Side view of the ''Heremoss''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:12, 9 December 2011 | Pergamonn_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 102 KB | (Side view of the ''Pergamonn''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:12, 9 December 2011 | Belenus_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 59 KB | (Side view of the ''Belenus''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:13, 9 December 2011 | Aeria_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 59 KB | (Side view of the ''Aeria''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:13, 9 December 2011 | Dolohoff_III_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 48 KB | (Side view of the ''Dolohoff III''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
06:13, 9 December 2011 | Zagreus_(FFC).jpg (file) | Kine | 47 KB | (Side view of the ''Zagreus''. ({{ffc|10|full}}) Category:Images from Fleet File Collections ) | 1 |
07:42, 9 December 2011 | Dolohoff_III.jpg (file) | Kine | 69 KB | (The cruiser ''Dolohoff III'' in {{d|799|uc}}. ({{logh|067|i}}) ) | 1 |
11:41, 9 December 2011 | Patoroklos_MCISS_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 234 KB | (The flagship ''Patoroklos'', in the atmosphere of the planet Legnica, in {{d|795|uc}}. ({{mciss}}) Category:Images from My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
14:57, 9 December 2011 | Ajax_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 213 KB | (The flagship of Lassalle Lobos in {{d|795|uc}}. ({{mciss}}) Category:Images from My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars Category:Images from Blu-ray media Category:Images needing citation ) | 1 |
15:52, 9 December 2011 | Tonio_MCISS_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 116 KB | (??? Tonio in {{d|795|uc}}. ({{mciss}}) Category:Images from My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars Category:Images from Blu-ray media Category:Images needing citation ) | 1 |
16:04, 9 December 2011 | Kurt_MCISS_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 140 KB | (??? Kurt in {{d|795|uc}}. ({{mciss}}) Category:Images from My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars Category:Images from Blu-ray media Category:Images needing citation ) | 1 |
06:34, 10 December 2011 | Pergamonn_ONW_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 548 KB | (The flagship ''Pergamonn'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{onw}}) Category:Images from Overture to a New War Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
06:51, 10 December 2011 | Leonidas_ONW_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 374 KB | (The flagship ''Leonidas'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{onw}}) Category:Images from Overture to a New War Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
07:02, 10 December 2011 | Patoroklos_ONW_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 444 KB | (The flagship ''Patoroklos'' in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{onw}}) Category:Images from Overture to a New War Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
07:12, 10 December 2011 | Kircheis_ONW_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 425 KB | ({{rank|imperial|captain}} Siegfried Kircheis in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{onw}}) Category:Images from Overture to a New War Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
02:13, 11 December 2011 | Vonkel_rear.jpg (file) | Vympel | 34 KB | (The ''Vonkel'' travelling at warp on its way to Odin in {{d|797|uc}}. ({{logh|026}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes (OVA) series 1 ) | 1 |
02:14, 11 December 2011 | Vonkel_ventral.jpg (file) | Vympel | 45 KB | (The ''Vonkel'' struggles against the pull of a black hole in battle in {{d|799|uc}}. ({{logh|050}}) Category:Images from Legend of Galactic Heroes (OVA) series 2) | 1 |
23:33, 11 December 2011 | Lesing_(BD).jpg (file) | Kine | 151 KB | (The planet Lesing, with one of its satellites in the foreground, during the Battle of Amritsar Starzone in {{d|796|uc}}. ({{logh|015|i}}) Category:Images from Blu-ray media ) | 1 |
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