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The flagship Heidenheim (796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE))
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Flag officer: Rear Admiral Erlache
Type: Battleship
Purpose: Flagship (Erlache Fleet)
Length: 677 metres(FFC3)
Width: 179 metres(FFC3)
Height: 228 metres(FFC3)
Armament: 6 forward neutron beam cannons
22 port cannons
22 starboard cannons
Crew: 726(FFC3)
Status: Destroyed in combat
Destroyed: 796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE)

The Heidenheim (Japanese: ハイデンハイム) was the flagship of Rear Admiral Erlache.



Service history

The Heidenheim was assigned to Reinhard von Lohengramm's fleet at the Battle of Astarte in early 796 UC (487 IC / 3596 CE). It was destroyed by a battleship of the Alliance 2nd Fleet, after Erlache disobeyed High Admiral Lohengramm's orders by attempting to reverse course to face the enemy. (Overture to a New War)


The Heidenheim was a standard Imperial battleship and was distinguished by a crest composed of two curlicues framing the symbol of the Empire. (Overture to a New War)



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Name variations

Background information

Heidenheim is a town in southern Germany.

The Heidenheim in LOGH: 'In the Eternal Night'


Appearance differences

The Heidenheim is not named, nor does it bear a unique crest, in LOGH: 'In the Eternal Night'.

Easter Egg

In the movie version, when the Heidenheim is destroyed, one of the large pieces of debris has some Japanese writing on it.

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