Bruno von Knappstein

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Admiral Knappstein (798 UC (489 IC / 3598 CE))
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Rank: Admiral
Flagship(s): Ulfrun
Status: Deceased (killed in action)
Died: 29 November 800 UC (2 NIC / 491 IC / 3600 CE)
Played by: Hiyama Nobuyuki

Bruno von Knappstein (Japanese: ブルーノ・フォン・クナップシュタイン) was an Imperial admiral who served under Helmut Lennenkampf and, later, Oskar von Reuenthal. (LOGH: 'Under the Golden Lion Flag', 'New Government in August')



Military Career

Like his comrade Alfred, Bruno was subordinate to Admiral Lennenkampf until his death in 799 UC (1 NIC / 490 IC / 3599 CE). After this, Knappstein and Grillparzer were promoted and became admirals of their own fleets. Their “baptism by fire” occurred at the Battle of Marr-Adetta against the remnants of the Republicans led by Alexandre Bewcock. The young admirals, unfortunately, due to their little combat experience, fell into various traps of the old admiral. For example, Knappstein could not advance due to minefields; Grillparzer fell into a trap with asteroids that caused irreversible damage to his fleet. Despite this, Knappstein and Grillparzer were able to retain the ranks of admirals. After the events on Marr-Adeltta, Knappstein and Grillparzer were attached to Admiral Reuenthal, who became governor-general of the Neue Land.

The Second Imperial Civil War and death

At the start of the revolt, Knappstein was under house arrest due to the fact that he spoke strongly negatively about the idea of ​​​​an uprising against the Emperor. Grillparzer came to Reuenthal with a proposal to accept the idea of ​​​​involving the Knappstein in the revolutionary movement. Knappstein at first time strongly rejected the idea of ​​​​rebellion, but when Grillparzer voiced his true plan, namely to betray Reuenthal in the heat of battle and go over to the side of the emperor, Knappstein agreed.

Bruno and Alfred were the weak link in the ranks of Roenthal's army, so during Second Battle of Rantemario their fleets came under massive attack from the loyalists. Suffering terrible losses, Knappstein tried to divide his fleet into smaller groups and retreat to more advantageous positions, but the regrouping never took place, because his fleet was subjected to a massive assault by the loyalists. During the retreat, Knappstein's ship was hit, and the admiral himself ultimately died. The remainder of Bruno's fleet was either destroyed or deserted.



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