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The Battle of Vermilion (Part One) (episode)The Battle of Vermilion (Part Two) (episode)
The Battle of the Corridor: End of the Campaign (episode)The Battle of the Corridor: Kaleidoscope (episode)
The Battle of the Corridor: The Invincible and the Undefeated (episode)The Battle of the Doria Starzone (DNT episode)
The Beautiful Maiden Wants Blood (episode)
The Burning of Holly House (episode)The Capture of Iserlohn (Part One) (DNT episode)
The Capture of Iserlohn (Part Two) (DNT episode)The Castrop Rebellion (DNT episode)
The Castrop Rebellion (episode)
The Cold Spell Arrives (episode)
The Crimson Star Road (episode)
The Darkness Before Dawn (episode)
The Day Before Destiny (episode)The Death of a Hero: Chronicle of the Second Battle of Tiamat, Part II (episode)
The Die Is Cast (DNT episode)
The Edict of the Winter Rose Garden (episode)
The End of One Journey (episode)
The Fall of Goldenbaum (DNT episode)
The Fall of Goldenbaum (episode)The Geier Takes Flight (DNT episode)
The Golden Lion Flag Loses Its Lustre (episode)
The Hard Wind of Early Summer (episode)The Hero's New Assignment (episode)The Hero of Econia (episode)
The Hero of El Facil (episode)The Inquiry (DNT episode)
The Inquiry Committee (episode)The Inviting to History
The Journey in Search of the Exit (episode)
The Klopstock Incident (episode)
The Kümmel Incident (episode)
The Legitimate Galactic Empire Government (DNT episode)
The Lippstadt Conspiracy (episode)
The Long Road Ahead (episode)
The Magician Doesn't Come Back (episode)
The Magician Is Captured (episode)The Man Loved by the Goddess of Time: Chronicle of the Second Battle of Tiamat, Part I (episode)The Night of the Party (episode)
The Occupation of Fezzan (DNT episode)
The Order to Transfer the Capital (episode)
The Plan to Retake Iserlohn (episode)
The Prodigal Sons Come Home (episode)
The Return (episode)
The Rosen Ritter (episode)
The Sirius ThreatThe Sixth Battle of Iserlohn (episode)
The Sounding of Gjallarhorn (episode)The Twin Pillars (DNT episode)
The Two-Headed Snake: The Battle of Rantemario (episode)
The Two Great Ones Strike at Each Other! (episode)The Unbeatable Magician (DNT episode)The Undutiness
The Urvashi Incident (episode)The Verge of Death (Part One) (DNT episode)The Verge of Death (Part Two) (DNT episode)
The Yang Fleet Goes Out (episode)The Yang Fleet Mobilises (DNT episode)
Theodor von RückeTheodoricusTheoria
Third Battle of TiamatThirteen Day War
Thoma von Stockhausen
Thor HammerThose Who Defected (episode)
Three Graces
Thunder (episode)Thunderclaps (DNT episode)Thyoxin
Tiamat (star)Tiamat Starzone
To Earth (episode)
To El Facil (episode)
To the Windy Corridor (episode)
Tokuma ShotenTokyo Sogensha
Tomiyama KeiTonio
Towards Peace, Through Bloodshed (episode)
Tragedy (DNT episode)Tranquility
Treaty of Ba‘alatTriglav
Triglav (DNT)Tripura (star)
Tripura StarzoneTristanTristan (DNT)
Troop Transport Shuttle
Truth Is the Daughter of Time (episode)
Tuesday CorrespondenceUchuu no Kakehashi
Udo Dater FummelUlanhu
UlfrunUlrich Kesler
UlyssesUlysses (DNT)
Under the Golden Lion Flag (episode)United Colonial Army
United Earth Government
United States of EurafricaUnits of Measure
Unnamed Imperial citizens
Unnamed SpartaniansUnnamed Terraists
Unnamed noble vesselsUnnamed satellitesUranus
Valentine KaufValerie Lynn Fitzsimmons
Valhalla Starzone
Van-Fleet (star)
Van-Fleet Starzone
VanadisVega (star)
Vega StarzoneVeighVenus
Vermilion (star)Vermilion Starzone
Vice admiral (disambiguation)

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